News & Announcements

What's Happening at Trailhead

How Credit Unions Can Help You Weather Financial Uncertainty

We are living in difficult financial times. Inflation makes everyday necessities more expensive, and there are rumbles about a recession on the horizon. Times like these can make people nervous about their finances—not just how much they have at a given time, but whether their money is safe. But don’t pull your money out of your accounts and stuff it … Read On »

5 Ways to Teach Your Kids Good Saving Habits

Teaching your kids financial literacy is one of the best ways to set them up for success later in life. Building a foundation of good saving habits can prepare children for life’s financial ebbs and flows. There are many ways to teach children to be savvy savers. Here are just a few to get you started. Set a Good Example … Read On »

5 Ways to Make Tax Season a Breeze

It’s that time of year again: Between late January and April, people gather their financial records and set out to do their income taxes. These tips can help make preparing your 2022 taxes easier to do. Organize Your 2022 Tax Documents An essential part of doing your taxes is ensuring you have all the appropriate documents. The more complicated your … Read On »

Four Ways to Protect Yourself From ATM Skimming

This time of year, criminals enhance their efforts to steal other people’s money. One of these methods that is still happening in the Portland area is ATM skimming. Criminals need two things to make ATM skimming work: the data from your card’s magnetic strip and your PIN. To capture your data, a skimming device is usually placed where you insert … Read On »

Our Top 5 Bad Spending Habits—And How To Break Them

We all have a few bad spending habits: That morning latte or the latest release from big-name brands like Apple or Nike. And while overspending here and there won’t ruin you, wrong financial moves can have a lasting, frustrating impact. At a minimum, poor money management can leave you struggling to keep up with your expenses and make it more … Read On »

Pay Down Debt with a Visa Balance Transfer

Now is a great time to transfer department store and other high-rate credit card balances to a Trailhead Visa Credit Card. You will pay down debt faster because our balance transfer rates are lower with no expiration date, and there is no annual fee and no balance transfer fee.* Current Rates

Top 5 Money Matters for High School Grads

Congratulations — you’ve just made it through 12 years of school. Whew! You’ve been busy mastering Algebra II or studying for finals, but don’t forget about your financial wellness. Here’s the lowdown on what you need to know now about money. Open an Account Whether you’re going away to school or staying close to home, it’s time to start managing … Read On »

5 Ways to Build Credit

Today, your credit score impacts so much of your financial life. It determines whether or not you qualify for a loan or credit card, dictates what your interest rate will be, and is a major factor considered when renting or owning any property. It may come as a surprise, then, that 1 in 10 Americans don’t have any credit history, … Read On »

Green Auto Loan Discount

You value the environment, but you also want value. At Trailhead, we want to help you save money and help our community at the same time. So we are rewarding you with a loan rate discount for choosing a “green” car. Receive 0.25% off your auto loan rate when you finance any of the following vehicle types: Hybrid Electric Vehicle … Read On »

How to Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones from Cybercrime

Here’s a guide outlining classic online fraud attempts to help you stay cybersecure. You’ve heard the words describing how hackers and scammers gain access to online information, but do you know what they really mean? Phishing, Smishing, hacking, spam? Check out this short guide outlining how to protect yourself and your loved ones from cybercrime and how to keep your … Read On »